Physical Therapy In Commack

Running Exercises For The Summer

The current “new normal” has forced many people to change how they go about their daily routines. Those who found themselves spending lots of time at the gym or in group athletics may be wondering how to get their fitness routine back on track. One great activity this summer while still adhering to social distancing guidelines is doing a little running. At Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, our team wants to get you moving. Continue reading to learn more about why you should be running this summer. If you have concerns about introducing running or any bodily pain, physical therapy in Commack at one of our two facilities can be informative & beneficial.


The Benefits Of Running

Starting an exercise regimen involving running or walking this summer can work wonders for your overall health. This exercise typically requires no expensive gym equipment and can be done while still protecting yourself and others. Reasons to consider incorporating running into your fitness routines include the following:


  • Release endorphins which act as natural mood boosters.
  • Help to manage your weight.
  • Strengthen your knees, bones, and other joints.
  • Limit the risk of certain types of cancer.
  • Potentially increase your quality of life. 


The Correct Running Form 

Just like with any other exercise, utilizing the right form is imperative to remain injury-free. A failure to do so can have you sustaining an injury that will require physical therapy in Commack to recover from. To avoid this, our staff recommends keeping the following in mind the next time you go for a run:


  • Keep your ears in line with your shoulders.
  • Pull back your shoulders.
  • Have a tall spine, and keep your core tight.
  • Lean your hips slightly forward.


Choose Your Method

There are different things you can focus on improving when you’re running, and each person will have their preference if you would like to challenge yourself to get faster and become more athletic. We recommend performing intervals of short sprints. Those who’d like to raise their endurance and distance capabilities should focus on lower intensity jogs that can be sustained over extended periods. 


Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy 

At Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, we understand the importance of staying active during these difficult times. We also know that even if you’re an experienced runner, an injury can still develop. If this happens to you, trust our team to provide quality physical therapy in Commack New York that will help get you back to full strength. For more information about running, or to schedule an appointment for treatment, contact us today.